Our team of experienced attorneys is knowledgeable in all types of immigration law from family-based petitions to permanent visas.
MoreApplication for Certificate of Citizenship
U.S. Customs and Immigration Services’s “Form N-600” provides certain petitioners with the opportunity to apply for U.S. citizenship on the basis of their familial ties. Specifically, this form allows foreign nationals to cite their ties to certain immediate-family relatives during the citizenship application process. Many individuals who petition for citizenship on the basis of residency or other qualifications may be able to expedite the naturalization process by filing a Form N-600 with the proper authorities. With over 20 years of experience in all manner of immigration-related manners, the Gutierrez Law Firm and its N-600 lawyers can help the qualifying relatives of U.S. citizens apply for citizenship quickly and effectively.
Form N-600 permits qualifying children to apply for citizenship on the basis of their parents’ citizenship status. There are several different routes by which this can be done. In general, petitioners can cite the citizenship status of the following types of relatives in their petitions:
There are several situations in which it makes sense to file a Form N-600. Children who were born to a U.S. citizen outside of the United States and subsequently immigrated to the United States may be eligible to apply for citizenship. Likewise, foreign-national children who have been adopted by natural-born U.S. citizens are immediately eligible to apply for citizenship. Both of these routes are open to “adult children.” In addition, U.S. citizens can file a Form N-600 for biological and adopted minor children in their custody. To learn more about this process, speak to a N-600 attorney today at the Gutierrez Law Firm.
Although the process of applying for citizenship on the basis of parentage appears to be straightforward, it can be delayed at multiple inflection points. U.S. Customs and Immigration Services requires considerable proof of the relationship in question as well as the citizenship status of the petitioners. In particular, petitioning parents must prove that they are natural-born or naturalized U.S. citizens. They must also demonstrate that they are the legal parents of the foreign-national child. To prevent unnecessary delays, individuals who wish to apply for citizenship are advised to retain a competent N-600 attorney.
At the Gutierrez Law Firm, we strongly believe that families should not be forced to live apart. Our experienced N-600 attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to shepherd the relatives of U.S. citizens through the N-600 application process. We have worked with clients from over 20 countries, including China, Mexico, Brazil, India and Pakistan. We can anticipate virtually every complication that can arise during the application process and answer any questions that our clients might have.
For more information about applying for citizenship with Form N-600, schedule a consultation with a N-600 lawyer at 210.225.7114.
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